
This blog logs training methods, ideas, experiences and results of the Kaizen Central Karate Federation. Influenced by sports science and the experience of senior Karate coaches to produce the elite Karate athlete.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Core Stability and Medicine Ball session

Select your med-ball according to your strength (you will soon know if its too heavy!!).  This session can be done in small groups of up to 4 or on your own.  You can improvise using a wall and/or simply in a field where you would run and collect your own ball and throw it back.  (Adapt and overcome!!)
This session should be completed at least once per week as no doubt a degree of core work would be involved in other sessions, e.g. lifting, circuit training etc.  It good to have a least one session clearly dedicated to core.  This guy is smashing it with some excellent exercises.

This session incorporates more explosive dynamic movement with generic core exercises.

Warm Up
Jog 20M Recovery walk back (R)
Fast feet / patter 20M  x 5 (R)
Squat side-walks, one foot in-front then behind x 3 each side (R)
Lunges x 5 10M (R)
Press up walks keeping legs straight x 4 (R) 10M
Spider crawls knees in x 3 (R) 10M
Spider crawls knees out x 3 (R) 10M

MEDBALL – groups of three
Russian twist throws – 10 from right, left and centre (30 in all)
Chest throw – seated 3 x 10reps
Over-head throws – seated 3 x 10 reps
Standing chest throw and run 8M x 10
Reverse over-head throw and run 8M x 10
Reverse threw leg throw and run 8M x 10
Chest  / over-head / reverse over-head / threw legs with 8M run between each throw  x 10 Reps

Cool down and stretch

A Med-Ball is a vital part or your personal training - GET ONE!!! 

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