Wed 12th Aug 09
Long day today, in from work at 6.15pm and out the door at 6.45pm headed for Hackney, East London for Kaizen Centrals bi-weekly squad session. Kaizen Central coach Glen Middleton had set the ball rolling with some reaction drills on the pads
We then progressed the drills where the pad holders became more proactive, developing a theme of reaction, counter attacking, breaking off and coming back for the point.
Even with extensive work in the area we still have individuals that struggle with it and others that over cook it, but with peserverence and patience they to will one day master the art of 'Tai Sabaki'.
After drilling these set pieces we arranged competition bouts and matched athletes appropriately. There were some good performances with athletes showing good form whether they won or lost the bout. The most competitve of the night was Kerry Gunn and Carla Burkitt. What happens when you put to 'bangers' together. A good spirited bout with plenty of exchange. Carla eventually won in a 'tit for tat' two minute bout
Many of our drills try to emulate match play situations to give an air of realism
We feed back as much as we can to the athletes and have an excellent relationship with our athletes although on a personal level I have to step back from coaching my son as my comments are percieved as me 'having a go' at him. 17 and knows it all, I'm sure many parents can understand where I am right now lol.
Maybe I speak to him too hard, anyway whatever we'll try it this way I think it's better for all!!! Amy needs to get stronger, I feel explosive power added to her already impressive front hand. In addition we will work on her flexibility to develop her kicking. She is currently going from strength at the to strength at the moment gaining a bronze medal in the European University Championships.
Well done to the crew both athletes and coaches.
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