
This blog logs training methods, ideas, experiences and results of the Kaizen Central Karate Federation. Influenced by sports science and the experience of senior Karate coaches to produce the elite Karate athlete.

Friday 14 August 2009

Another weight training session bites the dust!!

Still feeling tired from this morning the troops gathered again for yet another scheduled session. Everybody's technique is improving every time we train although I have to say, for the first half of the session it was like training in a morgue.

Jordan was shifted to active rest has he has a slight pull on his hamstring and worked his upper body. We will ice his injury for two days and re-assess the level of injury. Progress to contrast bathing and strap for prevention of further injury once he can resume light training. Sports massages for all next week!! (Including me for a change)

There were some other considerations, Amy Thomason has on going back problems that prohibit certain lifts and monique had a sore shoulder. Although they were able to complete the session lighter weights were used and total abstention from exercises that directly inflicted pain on the injured area.

Bench press was to failure today. 30kg on the bar and as many as they could do. I did 60kg for my first set to make it proportional and wacked on 100kg for my second (didn't take long to fail lol). This was the first time in the session everyone began to encourage each other which inturn was a motivator. Two sets to failure pushed everyone to their limits, including me but after we all felt good about it. When benching remember the five points of contact:

Bench Press
  • Eyes under the bar
  • Good wide grip.
  • Both feet on the ground
  • Raise chest so both shoulder blades are in contact
  • Buttox on bench.
  • Spotters lift assist with lift out of rack and you say 'My Bar' to take control
  • Lower bar to upper chest and press
  • When pushing for that final rep' your buttox may leave the bench!! (If it helps)

The squating when well, doubling up with leg press too. Considering we did the hill today we hit the legs hard again to develop strength and explosive power.

At the end we finished with a pep talk with me reminding them that next from time we're in the gym we encourage and motivate each other the start. I will continue to give technical feed back for continuous development (and safety). It was suggest that music be played. Thy will be done. Have a rest all and be ready for next week as on Monday, we start again. lol

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